I’ve been trying to formulate concepts for balancing aspects of rhythmic simplicity/complexity with those of harmonic simplicity/complexity. At first blush it seemed there should be a rather straight-forward relationship between the two. You know, like “if the harmonic motion is very rapid (few pulses for each chord) then the rhythmic complexity needs to be simple.” Stuff like that.
However, when I really evaluate how harmonic and rhythm fit together to form a balanced whole I discover that music that fits my aesthetic does not always have such a clear-cut relationship. When I see those cases I try to understand why a piece sounds good that violates what might be a most basic concept. As I examine the music more closely, I find there might be influences of melodic movement/stasis that pertain. Or there might be complexities of harmonic relationships, or lyrics might play a part, or the harmonies might have internal complexities, or the timbres of the music are very important, or many other reasons.
I think there is some sort of relationship between these various musical components that “balance” each other in ways that create music that pleases my aesthetic. However, I think it is a much more complex system than just a simple A/B balance – something along the line of three-dimensional chess.
Anyway, it is a subject that interests me, I’m going to keep thinking about it and I’d love to read your thoughts.